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Amityville Apocalypse

Quick, count how many AMITYVILLE movies exist. You might do better to try and count how many of them are released to the marketplace monthly. At some point the bubble’s going to burst, and that’s why Retrosploitation is stepping up and putting our finger on the button!


The movie will be comprised of short movies and faux trailers and that’s where you, filmmakers accomplished or aspiring, come in. We are seeking submissions of shorts and trailers to help beef the project up to be absolutely overstuffed with AMITYVILLE ridiculousness.

Submissions – Things to Remember

1. Get as crazy as you want. The sky’s the limit. We want any outrageous concepts you can think of. Go ahead! Or, for the brave, if you think you can whip out something serious and make AMITYVILLE scary again, that’s something we’d like to see too.

2. We’re looking for around 5 minutes minimum per short with a maximum of 9-10 minutes. Fake trailers should not exceed 60 seconds each. We are now closed to trailers unless they’re coming from shorts contributors.

Ideally, we’d love to get at least one short and multiple trailers from a filmmaker, as we want to splice the trailers throughout the movie to break up the shorts and contribute a fun “what the heck is up next” vibe!

3. Must be in HD (1920 x 1080) with good audio. Please leave credits off and instead send them in text form within email. Submit video content to via link from WeTransfer, Google Drive or other file sharing site.

Many of our colleagues have made entries in the never-ending AMITYVILLE franchise and had great fun doing it, so the vibe of this project both tongue-in-cheek and a genuine love of AMITYVILLE.

Make a short, gain a feature film credit. It’s a simple as that.

Even HALLOWEEN ENDS. Let’s send out AMITYVILLE with a bang!

Amityville Apocalypse
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